Dr. Rich Gilbert brings over 25 years of healthcare executive leadershipandmanagementexperience, most recently as CEO, Orthopedic Care Partners,oneofthelargestprivate equity backedorthopedicplatformsinthenation. Beforethis,RichservedasPresidentof national telehealth company ,MLiveMedicalGroup,ChiefMedicalOfficer(EasternDivision),Mednax,Inc.,apubliclytraded healthcare company and CEOof3Charlotte, NC-basedcompanies:SoutheastAnesthesiology Consultants, Southeast Pain Care (founder) and Quantum®, LLC (founder), a healthcare IT startup.Dr. Gilbert received his MBA from Duke University, completed his anesthesiology residency and fellowships at Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Hospital, where he served as Chief Resident.Dr. GilbertreceivedhisM.D.fromUCSFMedical School and membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society.